Spring pics - almost 2!

Spring pics - almost 2!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

It is almost 3am

I slept great tonight from 1opm until the babies were fed by my mom, aunt, and Dave at midnight. For some reason they sleep great during the day but not so well at night. I tried rocking, the binky, laying them together, laying them separate.

If anyone has any ideas on how to get these kids to sleep at night please let me know. The worst part is one will sleep then another will cry and wake the sleeping ones and then they feed off one another.

I suppose I will sleep on the other side.....


  1. I do have a few ideas for you. My husband and I were brainstorming about it last night. Might be easier to talk about it on the phone. Give me a call sometime 244-3333. :)Katie

  2. isn't it fun blogging on the wee hours? kiss all 4 babies for me,and one big, sisterly, wish-i-could-be-there hug for you.
