Katherine: 18lb 2 oz 90% 27" 90% HC 43cm 75% Audrey: 18lb 1oz 90% 25 1/2" 50% HC 42cm 25%
Friday, December 4, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
What we are Thankful for 2009
There are so many things for us to be thankful for this year. Let me start with a few easy things. I had a mostly uneventful pregnancy; which, considering I was carrying triplets is quite a feat. I had/have a VERY supportive husband who had to take on most of the child rearing for a 3 year old until January when I was able to work half time hours. I was thrilled to once again be able to help around the house and share dinner with my family.
Dave's resolve was once again tested the last three weeks of our pregnancy when I was placed on bed rest, alone in the hospital, and Dave was home working furiously to beat his self chosen goal to finish our deck before the babies came. Our home was filled with helpful family(awesome ones - but in our home 24 hours a day none the less) and Dave pushed himself hard. He had quite a hefty goal considering everything that was going on and the 3 year old at home wondering where Mama was and hoping for his Papa's time. He also made it down to visit me in the hospital, bringing Brody, almost every day I was there.
We were very worried about Baby C - Audrey Grace (Named for my spunky Grandma who had just passed) - she was so tiny. They were not sure if she was so small because that is how God intended her to be or if there was something else amiss. I heard three possible reasons, 1) She was naturally small, 2) Her placenta did not get as much "real estate" as the other babies so she had less nourishment, 3) There was something terribly wrong and at some point they would have to take her from me in an emergency situation.
Luckily, I made it to the date I had been praying and meditating on since I found out I was expecting triplets. May 18, 2009 is the date I prayed on, visualized in my meditation, and told everyone who would listen that this would be my delivery date. Sadly my math was wrong so instead of 35 weeks I was only able to get my body to hold on for 34 1/2 weeks. You may be thinking there is not a huge difference between the two but 35 weeks was the magic number between taking your child/ren home and leaving them behind in the NICU. I am still very proud of how far we made it and the power of prayer, meditation, and the effect one has over their own bodies.
We are also very thankful for our wonderful family who has been there for us whole heartedly since the babies arrived. My mom and Auntie Rae for staying with us to survive the 3 hour feeding schedule the first several weeks. My step-father David who helped with cooking during the time I was in the hospital. Grandpa and Grandma Z who would come down from Ankeny to give some much needed rest to the others and/or bring meals. Dave's sister's family; the Walljasper clan for holding babies - it is a super big help when you come home with THREE!!
Our neighbors on 49th Street are the best neighbors anyone could ever hope for when they move into a new neighborhood. They brought us food so we didn't have to worry about cooking. They helped Dave meet his goal of finishing the deck before I came home. They signed up for days to come over and help out with the babies so that Dave could help Brody get ready for bed and the neighbor and I could take care of the babies.
Our church family has also been a life savor!! You have no idea how many diapers triplets go through. The first two days home from the hospital we only had the girls. We went through a package of preemie diapers each day!!! Our church supported us with diapers, wipes, hand sanitizer, and baby girl clothes since we did not have any sizes other than preemie. On top of all of that I am sure that the prayers sent from St. Mark, friends, family, and thier churches is what brought our babies to earth so healthy. God has truly blessed the Zuck family a million times over - yes, Father we are blessed! We have several adopted Grandma's from our church who the babies look forward to spending time with. Thank you for your time - thank you for your love and support!!
We are again in need of baby helpers - mostly on work nights between 5/5:30 and 7:30/8pm. You only need to be good at holding a bottle and rocking a baby - lots of people are good at that. Either contact us at home (our number is listed in the phone book) or if you go to our church Shannon Lee can help get you set up.
Another need we pray will be answered is for diapers. We are in need of pampers diapers size 4. We prefer this type/brand because we've never had them leak. However, we are open to anything anyone is willing to share. If you can find it in your heart to help we would really appreciate any gesture of support for our family.
Dave's resolve was once again tested the last three weeks of our pregnancy when I was placed on bed rest, alone in the hospital, and Dave was home working furiously to beat his self chosen goal to finish our deck before the babies came. Our home was filled with helpful family(awesome ones - but in our home 24 hours a day none the less) and Dave pushed himself hard. He had quite a hefty goal considering everything that was going on and the 3 year old at home wondering where Mama was and hoping for his Papa's time. He also made it down to visit me in the hospital, bringing Brody, almost every day I was there.
We were very worried about Baby C - Audrey Grace (Named for my spunky Grandma who had just passed) - she was so tiny. They were not sure if she was so small because that is how God intended her to be or if there was something else amiss. I heard three possible reasons, 1) She was naturally small, 2) Her placenta did not get as much "real estate" as the other babies so she had less nourishment, 3) There was something terribly wrong and at some point they would have to take her from me in an emergency situation.
Luckily, I made it to the date I had been praying and meditating on since I found out I was expecting triplets. May 18, 2009 is the date I prayed on, visualized in my meditation, and told everyone who would listen that this would be my delivery date. Sadly my math was wrong so instead of 35 weeks I was only able to get my body to hold on for 34 1/2 weeks. You may be thinking there is not a huge difference between the two but 35 weeks was the magic number between taking your child/ren home and leaving them behind in the NICU. I am still very proud of how far we made it and the power of prayer, meditation, and the effect one has over their own bodies.
We are also very thankful for our wonderful family who has been there for us whole heartedly since the babies arrived. My mom and Auntie Rae for staying with us to survive the 3 hour feeding schedule the first several weeks. My step-father David who helped with cooking during the time I was in the hospital. Grandpa and Grandma Z who would come down from Ankeny to give some much needed rest to the others and/or bring meals. Dave's sister's family; the Walljasper clan for holding babies - it is a super big help when you come home with THREE!!
Our neighbors on 49th Street are the best neighbors anyone could ever hope for when they move into a new neighborhood. They brought us food so we didn't have to worry about cooking. They helped Dave meet his goal of finishing the deck before I came home. They signed up for days to come over and help out with the babies so that Dave could help Brody get ready for bed and the neighbor and I could take care of the babies.
Our church family has also been a life savor!! You have no idea how many diapers triplets go through. The first two days home from the hospital we only had the girls. We went through a package of preemie diapers each day!!! Our church supported us with diapers, wipes, hand sanitizer, and baby girl clothes since we did not have any sizes other than preemie. On top of all of that I am sure that the prayers sent from St. Mark, friends, family, and thier churches is what brought our babies to earth so healthy. God has truly blessed the Zuck family a million times over - yes, Father we are blessed! We have several adopted Grandma's from our church who the babies look forward to spending time with. Thank you for your time - thank you for your love and support!!
We are again in need of baby helpers - mostly on work nights between 5/5:30 and 7:30/8pm. You only need to be good at holding a bottle and rocking a baby - lots of people are good at that. Either contact us at home (our number is listed in the phone book) or if you go to our church Shannon Lee can help get you set up.
Another need we pray will be answered is for diapers. We are in need of pampers diapers size 4. We prefer this type/brand because we've never had them leak. However, we are open to anything anyone is willing to share. If you can find it in your heart to help we would really appreciate any gesture of support for our family.
Thank you and God bless!!
Thanksgiving 2009
Here are the Zuck triplets at Grandpa and Grandma Z's house at Thanksgiving this year. Mama and Papa thought they were rocking the house and were going to be ready to leave early enough to get to Ankeny with plenty of time to feed and change the triplets out of PJ's into their fancy holiday clothes. Due to circumstances out of their control it ended up being a mad dash out of the house at the last minute. Luckily most everything was packed up the night before or sent days before with G'PA and G'MA earlier in the week when they filled in for Danie.
Still those girls should have been at a party not walking down our street looking for candy.
I know these are my babies but I do have to brag a bit and say that for once they let us eat dinner in peace. It must have been because we were eating dinner early. Who cares why but we had a lovely meal with wonderful food and happy babies playing on the floor with one another.
Even Brody's halo kept its shine the whole day.
It is with sadness that I say that no matter how much I love my new family it was a little difficult for me this year. This was kind of weird since my Grandma had been living with my mom in San Diego for the last 2 years so I can't quite explain why I missed her or my family so much this year. I mean heck the kids are half my blood and my husband and his family treat me as if I were a blood relative, too. Probably just some homesickness coming out due to the holidays or hormonal stuff left over from the pregnancy. We did have a great day and wonderful company!!
I know this picture is a little late but I keep realizing I should put Brody out here every once in a while. He got to pick his own costume for the very first time this year. It was so funny every thing he saw he wanted to be, "Mama, I want to be batman, no Spiderman, no woody, no a power ranger, no insert anything here." Finally I told him he had to pick one and be sure. He ended up with Spiderman. It was a really cool costume that made it look like he had some rad muscles. He wore it around the house for several days before Halloween. (Actually here they call it beggars night which I don't get - and they do it the day before Halloween which again I don't get!) Maybe if I grew up here I would understand why trick or treat means more than just holding your hand out for candy. Dave, having grown up here, makes the kids work for their candy. Me, I tell them, "No need for a joke here you go," and I drop the candy in their bag. I have one exception in 10 years when 3 obviously high school girls came to our house. For them I made them sing a song - in Cali that never would have flown - our cars would have been egged.
I know this picture is a little late but I keep realizing I should put Brody out here every once in a while. He got to pick his own costume for the very first time this year. It was so funny every thing he saw he wanted to be, "Mama, I want to be batman, no Spiderman, no woody, no a power ranger, no insert anything here." Finally I told him he had to pick one and be sure. He ended up with Spiderman. It was a really cool costume that made it look like he had some rad muscles. He wore it around the house for several days before Halloween. (Actually here they call it beggars night which I don't get - and they do it the day before Halloween which again I don't get!) Maybe if I grew up here I would understand why trick or treat means more than just holding your hand out for candy. Dave, having grown up here, makes the kids work for their candy. Me, I tell them, "No need for a joke here you go," and I drop the candy in their bag. I have one exception in 10 years when 3 obviously high school girls came to our house. For them I made them sing a song - in Cali that never would have flown - our cars would have been egged.
Still those girls should have been at a party not walking down our street looking for candy.
Katherine also has teeth!! & The Sick House
Well it has been a long time since I've posted. Audrey was first, later that day it was Mason, then a few days later Katherine got her bottom two teeth, also. I've tried to take a picture of their teeth but either it is too dark or they put their tounge in the way. :O(
We have had virus #4 come through our house. Brody started with the runny nose then (gross - I know) it turned green. We knew we were in big trouble the night he went to bed really early then woke up two hours later and said his throat and ear hurt. Dave stayed home from work the next day (Tuesday) and took Brody to the pediatrician. Yes, it was an ear infection and they put him on antibiotics. The next day Mason was acting the same way so I called and begged mercy on our pediatrician to call in more meds without making us come in. Bless Dr. Salow who knows us well enough to call in the meds without a visit. Dave ended up staying home with Brody on Tuesday and Wednesday that week. Thank you Dave and Ankeny School District.
Guess who got it next??? Yep, Mama did. Luckily with my new job I can work from home and no one fusses about it. I even think I am more productive with my new (and much faster) home laptop. I was home Thursday and Friday so I wouldn't get anyone at work sick. On Sunday I woke up with a double ear infection. Darn it if that isn't painful!! Again I got lucky and got a hold of one of my Dr.'s partners who was on call. He agreed that my symptoms were an ear infection and called me in antibiotics sight unseen. Praise the Lord! That could have been 3 co-pays by that point. I was so miserable that we had Grandpa and Grandma Zuck come down to help with Brody and the babies so I could rest. I slept like a log from around 11am until 6pm. The next morning when I was feeding the babies with Danie I felt a little feverish so decided it would be best for me to spend the day in bed. I got a few hours in the morning before a project I was working on went South so I started emailing and taking phone calls trying to get everything back on track. Danie (our nanny) gets ear infections quite frequently and told me she thought she was getting one - guess me staying home to not get anyone sick backfired. She wanted to leave early so she could stop and see her Dr. - no problem! We like all of our family healthy. Her Dr. said she still had the same sinus infection from a few weeks back. So Tuesday we were without our beloved Danie as she did the rest in bed all day thing. I truly believe that is the only thing that works in getting better!!
All I can say is thankfully it was a short week and Danie was able to come to work on Wednesday. She is a trooper!!
Here are some cute pictures we took of the kids after their last bath. I am trying to show how big they are getting. It is hard to see in the picture but Audrey is really growing into her checks, etc. Katherine just hides her rolls well. Mason - well he is a boy and all girls understand what that means,
Mason William
Katherine Ann
Audrey Grace
Friday, November 6, 2009
Audrey and Mason Have Teeth!!
Sunday night as I was sitting on the floor with the babies I had a long conversation with them about the fact that they had been teething for a while and it was about time they get a tooth. Well Monday at work I got an email from Danie asking me if I knew that Audrey had a tooth. Audrey used her arm as a teething ring and she felt something. She looked in her mouth and there was a tooth!
By the time I got home Mason had his first tooth, too! We are still waiting on Katherine but she started teething a little behind the others so I am not surprised.
The babies have been eating cereal for the last couple of weeks and are doing very well with it. They have had rice cereal and oatmeal. In a couple of days we will start sweet potatoes or avocado. Mason reminds us of a little bird opening his mouth up wide when he is ready for his next bite!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Race for the Cure weekend and pumpkin patch
Saturday was Des Moines Race for the Cure. We usually attend because we know several survivors (and some who didn't) specifically Lori, Dave's sister. The Zuck family who live close enough usually make the trip for the Race and it is a fun time.
We decided with all the bugs going around that maybe it would be best to keep the triplets at home so Dave and Brody went to the Walljaspers for the after party. It was probably a good thing as I heard several people there were ill.
Sunday Grandma Zuck had a brunch at her house for the family that was in town. Casey's breakfast pizza - yummo! So as we are tearing out the door (me with wet hair and no makeup) when we realize our babies no longer fit in their car seat carriers. I guess we cannot call them infants anymore! Boy did that throw everything into a tail spin! Needless to say we were 1 hour late after installing and reinstalling several car seats.
We had made plans to go with the Gulbronson's (Joey is 3 weeks younger than Brody to the day) to Howells pumpkin patch and we got a b-day party invitation for the same place so combined the two. It had been raining a lot here so talk about a muddy mess. We had to wrap grocery bags around the stroller before we could put it in the car. Brody got to ride home in his skivvies and he and Dave ruined their tennies. :O( The triplets did great on their outing though - sleeping most of the time. Thank you to Joe and Stephanie for your help! We would not have been able to go without their help.
Next week is all about Brody at the pre-school. I asked Danie to take a picture of us with her fancy camera and bless her heart she stayed late one day last week to get us all together. I think she did a fantastic job on the picture except Brody looks like Beeker and I have extra chins neither of which I can blame on her. LOL!
Friday, October 16, 2009
NICU Follow-up on 9/22/2009
Sorry it has taken me so long to get this updated:
weight 14.7 length 24 inches
weight 14.11 length 24 inches
weight 14.1 length 22 3/4 inches
Everyone is right on track for development. Woo hoo!!!
weight 14.7 length 24 inches
weight 14.11 length 24 inches
weight 14.1 length 22 3/4 inches
Everyone is right on track for development. Woo hoo!!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Zuck Triplets
Here is a video I put together of pictures of the Family since the babies came home! Hope you enjoy!
Danie the Nanny
Danie the Nanny
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The triplets first illness
Well it happened! I went back to work, caught a cold right away, gave it to Brody, and he shared with the trips! Poor Katherine and Audrey both have an ear infection right now and Mason acts like he may get one, too. We are on our first round of antibiotic. They took everything off the market we used to be able to give the kids for their congestion so this is going to be a long winter. Thank goodness they don't have to go out much!
Mason getting a bath
Miss Katherine (also known as Miss Thing)
Miss Audrey (also known as Jazz Hands - Jazzy for short)
Miss Katherine (also known as Miss Thing)
Miss Audrey (also known as Jazz Hands - Jazzy for short)
Our nanny Dani is working out wonderfully! She helped me get the girls to the Dr. today.
Katherine is up to 13lbs 6oz
Mimi and Pops are west bound today and Auntie Rae leaves on Friday. I am thinking of asking Dani to move in with us! LOL
Katherine is up to 13lbs 6oz
Audrey is 13lbs 2oz
Mason didn't go to the Dr. so hasn't been weighed yet. I am sure he is at least 1lb or two bigger than Katherine.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Second Pediatrician Visit
We had our 2 month check up with the pediatrician, Dr. Salow, on Thursday. All is well with the trips. Mama's back hurts like heck from getting not one but three babies into car seats, into the van, then getting them back out again...this was with Papa's help!
Here are the vitals:
Mason = 10lbs 2oz he is in the 25th percentile for both height and weight
Katherine = 9lbs 11oz she is in the 1oth percentile for both height and weight
Audrey = 8lbs 12oz she is in the 10th percentile for weight and less than 3 for height.
Dr. Salow says everyone is on track and should catch up to full term babies by the 6th month or so. That is good news.
We took the camera again but still forgot to take a picture. Something about trying to get three babies checked out without freaking out and all my questions answered we seem to forget that little task.
It is official - I go back to work in 1 1/2 weeks and Dave goes back in 2. Wah! I would be a little more excited if I could figure out how I am going to get more than three hours of sleep in a row. Geesh!
Here are the vitals:
Mason = 10lbs 2oz he is in the 25th percentile for both height and weight
Katherine = 9lbs 11oz she is in the 1oth percentile for both height and weight
Audrey = 8lbs 12oz she is in the 10th percentile for weight and less than 3 for height.
Dr. Salow says everyone is on track and should catch up to full term babies by the 6th month or so. That is good news.
We took the camera again but still forgot to take a picture. Something about trying to get three babies checked out without freaking out and all my questions answered we seem to forget that little task.
It is official - I go back to work in 1 1/2 weeks and Dave goes back in 2. Wah! I would be a little more excited if I could figure out how I am going to get more than three hours of sleep in a row. Geesh!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sam got me! Photo tagged.
This is pretty funny - my BFF tagged me to this blog game last month knowing I just had triplets. I am actually catching up on some blog reading today and realized it. So here I sit at my mom's computer and this is the picture I got...luckily I am in the photo and know the people in the photo.
The bigger blonde boy is my nephew Dylan the smaller one is my eldest son Brody (boy that was weird to type). It is when we went back home to San Diego to visit over MLK day when Brody was 5 months old. It appears as though Dylan is going to kiss his cousin and Brody is cracking up about it or screaming his head off. I can't really tell for sure. Ha! I do wonder if in another 3 months I will be back to having only one chin like I do in this photo.
I don't know three people with blogs to tag back so if you read my blog feel free to consider yourself tagged.
I The rules are:
1) Go to your photo files… Select the 6th photo folder or album.
2) Select the 6th photo in that folder/album.
3) Post that photo along with the story behind it.
4) Then challenge some blog friends to do the same!
I don't know three people with blogs to tag back so if you read my blog feel free to consider yourself tagged.
I The rules are:
1) Go to your photo files… Select the 6th photo folder or album.
2) Select the 6th photo in that folder/album.
3) Post that photo along with the story behind it.
4) Then challenge some blog friends to do the same!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Triplets First Portraits
Here are the family pictures we had taken at Target on July 2nd. I think they turned out pretty cute. The hardest part was explaining to Brody how we wanted him to sit for the picture. He kept laying on top of the babies since they were laying on top of each other. Ha ha!
Name: Amy Zuck
Access code: LTTT0846116344TAR
If anyone wants any copies let me know - we purchased the CD so we own the images and can print off what we want.
Name: Amy Zuck
Access code: LTTT0846116344TAR
If anyone wants any copies let me know - we purchased the CD so we own the images and can print off what we want.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Happy Independence Day
Here I am still at the computer. I decided to move the SD card from the new camera to the old one so I could download the pictures from the 4th. We had the annual 49th street parade and party. We had our own float this year (thanks Uncle Harold and Auntie Joyce Templeman!)
We had a blast getting out of the house just Dave and I for an evening party. Thanks again to Mom, Auntie Rae, and the Zucks!!
Miss Katherine and Dr. D.
Mr. Mason and Dr. D.
Dad fixed Brody's bike up really cool but he decided at the beginning of the parade that he wanted to ride with his siblings - can you blame him??
We had a blast getting out of the house just Dave and I for an evening party. Thanks again to Mom, Auntie Rae, and the Zucks!!
Mental note to self: next time Dave offers me the bug spray take it!! My feet have more mosquito bites than skin!!!
We plan to take more pictures tomorrow - the triplets 7 week birthday.
Here is one upset Audrey with Dr. Dornbier at my 6 week checkup to hold you over until then.
Mr. Mason and Dr. D.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Three Week Pictures!
OK - So I know the babies will be 7 weeks tomorrow - oh wait in 30 minutes but what can I say I am the proud mother of triplets and an almost 4 year old. It is crazy busy here and feels like I am living ground hog day every day. I don't know what I would do without my mom and auntie. Bless you God for my helpers and hubby!!!
Anyho - these are some updated pictures that my Cousin Susan from Omaha took when we had family in town from Virginia (Auntie Linda and Cousin Lisa) and Indiana (Uncle Paul and Aunt Margaret - Paula was here but had a cold so was unable to see the babies :o( and Kayla - Susan's daughter) the middle of June. Thanks Susan!!
I finally figured out why I can't download pictures - the port that connects from the new camera to the computer is broken. I plan to take it back at some point in my free time - Bah ha ha ha ha ha!
The babies are doing great! We finally have them on a 4 hour schedule. We started that at 4 weeks. I actually get in the shower and my teeth brushed BEFORE 4pm which was a goal of mine when we had the 3 hour feeds. I am still supplementing the babies with breast milk - they are up to 4 ounces in their bottles.
We continue to work on their sleeping habits but luckily with the 4 of us we are able to get about 6 hours of sleep each - at times even in a row!! I thank God again for Auntie Rae who takes the 2am to 6am shift then sleeps during the day and somehow (she is a Goddess) gets dinner on the table for us when we don't have someone bringing us something.
We are also blessed to have my mom here from California. She is our laundress, clean up lady, and overall what is needed person. She thinks she is going home in August but we are thinking of building an extra room in the basement with bunk beds for her and Auntie Rae.
I can't forget the Zucks who come down and relieve us of feedings - bringing food and news from the outside.
Miss Audrey weighs 5 lbs 5.6 oz in this picture - (She weighed 6 lbs 11 oz on July 1).
Master Mason weighs 6 lbs. 11 oz in this picture - ( He weighed 8 lbs. 1.3 oz on July 1).
Anyho - these are some updated pictures that my Cousin Susan from Omaha took when we had family in town from Virginia (Auntie Linda and Cousin Lisa) and Indiana (Uncle Paul and Aunt Margaret - Paula was here but had a cold so was unable to see the babies :o( and Kayla - Susan's daughter) the middle of June. Thanks Susan!!
I finally figured out why I can't download pictures - the port that connects from the new camera to the computer is broken. I plan to take it back at some point in my free time - Bah ha ha ha ha ha!
The babies are doing great! We finally have them on a 4 hour schedule. We started that at 4 weeks. I actually get in the shower and my teeth brushed BEFORE 4pm which was a goal of mine when we had the 3 hour feeds. I am still supplementing the babies with breast milk - they are up to 4 ounces in their bottles.
We continue to work on their sleeping habits but luckily with the 4 of us we are able to get about 6 hours of sleep each - at times even in a row!! I thank God again for Auntie Rae who takes the 2am to 6am shift then sleeps during the day and somehow (she is a Goddess) gets dinner on the table for us when we don't have someone bringing us something.
We are also blessed to have my mom here from California. She is our laundress, clean up lady, and overall what is needed person. She thinks she is going home in August but we are thinking of building an extra room in the basement with bunk beds for her and Auntie Rae.
I can't forget the Zucks who come down and relieve us of feedings - bringing food and news from the outside.
Miss Audrey weighs 5 lbs 5.6 oz in this picture - (She weighed 6 lbs 11 oz on July 1).
Master Mason weighs 6 lbs. 11 oz in this picture - ( He weighed 8 lbs. 1.3 oz on July 1).
Sunday, June 14, 2009
It is almost 3am
I slept great tonight from 1opm until the babies were fed by my mom, aunt, and Dave at midnight. For some reason they sleep great during the day but not so well at night. I tried rocking, the binky, laying them together, laying them separate.
If anyone has any ideas on how to get these kids to sleep at night please let me know. The worst part is one will sleep then another will cry and wake the sleeping ones and then they feed off one another.
I suppose I will sleep on the other side.....
If anyone has any ideas on how to get these kids to sleep at night please let me know. The worst part is one will sleep then another will cry and wake the sleeping ones and then they feed off one another.
I suppose I will sleep on the other side.....
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
June 10, 2009 3 weeks 1 day
Well we have survived three weeks. Partially due to the fact the babies have only been home for two! Ha ha!
The visiting nurse has been coming to make sure the babies are growing. They are doing really well.
Mason is up to 6.2lbs
Katherine is up to 5.4lbs
Audrey is up to 5lbs
Now if we could only get them to sleep for 4 hours in a row....
The visiting nurse has been coming to make sure the babies are growing. They are doing really well.
Mason is up to 6.2lbs
Katherine is up to 5.4lbs
Audrey is up to 5lbs
Now if we could only get them to sleep for 4 hours in a row....
If anyone can tell me how they get cute pictures of all three of the babies at the same time I would sure like to know!!!
The circle on the right of the photo is a coaster with a quarter on it so you can figure out scale...you can thank Papa for that.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
First visit with Dr. Salow (pediatrician)
Everyone had a good checkup today. Dr. Salow said we can start treating the babies more like newborns and less like premies now. He said that their central nervous system is now developed and as long as they are not having issues we can introduce new stimuli.
Here are the new weights:
Mason - 5.10 lbs
Katherine - 4.13 lbs
Audrey - 4.6 lbs
They are still eating every three hours but we have upped them to 50ml each.
Hopefully by this time next week they will be up to 60mls and we can stretch at least the middle of the night feeding to 4 hours.
The last two nights have been a little rough for mom and dad because the babies have decided it would be fun to be up between 3am and 6am. Thank goodness for my mom and Auntie Rae who take over at the 6am feeding!
Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes!
Here are the new weights:
Mason - 5.10 lbs
Katherine - 4.13 lbs
Audrey - 4.6 lbs
They are still eating every three hours but we have upped them to 50ml each.
Hopefully by this time next week they will be up to 60mls and we can stretch at least the middle of the night feeding to 4 hours.
The last two nights have been a little rough for mom and dad because the babies have decided it would be fun to be up between 3am and 6am. Thank goodness for my mom and Auntie Rae who take over at the 6am feeding!
Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes!
The babies are here!
Well it has taken me a few weeks but I have three good excuses for why!
Here are the details:
Mason William Zuck 5.8lbs 7:09 am 5/19/2009
Katherine Ann Zuck 4.8lbs 7:09 am 5/19/2009
Audrey Grace Zuck 3lbs 15.6 oz. 7:10am 05/19/2009Sunday, May 17, 2009
May 17 - 34 Weeks 1 Day
I am using the loaner laptop here at the hospital...it was broken for a week...then I got it back and used it for 30 minutes...then the wireless was taken down for maintenance. Geesh! Here I go again today!
Truly not that much has changed other than the size of my belly and the date of the c-section has been agreed upon. Tuesday, May 19 (34 weeks 3 days) @ 6:45am we will be welcoming the Zuck triplets into the world. I can hardly wait! I thought I was uncomfortable at the end with Brody but there is really no comparison.
I expect to be in the hospital until Saturday recovering from the c-section. I am hoping the babies can get out with me or shortly there afterwards. They have been getting all 8's on their BPP's.
Here are the final growth ultrasound weights as of Friday:
Baby A - 4lbs 13oz.
Baby B - 4lbs 12oz.
Baby C - 3lbs 5 oz.
I am still pretty worried about Baby C (Audrey) but they keep telling me that the little ones usually do better that the bigger ones since they are used to fighting for resources. I just worry that I did this to her by using the heating pad too much trying to help with the back/side pain I've been experiencing since my belly got so huge. Hopefully on Tuesday they can tell me to get rid of my mommy guilt.
I can hardly beieve I only have one more day until I am the mother of 4 children!!!!!
Truly not that much has changed other than the size of my belly and the date of the c-section has been agreed upon. Tuesday, May 19 (34 weeks 3 days) @ 6:45am we will be welcoming the Zuck triplets into the world. I can hardly wait! I thought I was uncomfortable at the end with Brody but there is really no comparison.
I expect to be in the hospital until Saturday recovering from the c-section. I am hoping the babies can get out with me or shortly there afterwards. They have been getting all 8's on their BPP's.
Here are the final growth ultrasound weights as of Friday:
Baby A - 4lbs 13oz.
Baby B - 4lbs 12oz.
Baby C - 3lbs 5 oz.
I am still pretty worried about Baby C (Audrey) but they keep telling me that the little ones usually do better that the bigger ones since they are used to fighting for resources. I just worry that I did this to her by using the heating pad too much trying to help with the back/side pain I've been experiencing since my belly got so huge. Hopefully on Tuesday they can tell me to get rid of my mommy guilt.
I can hardly beieve I only have one more day until I am the mother of 4 children!!!!!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Tuesday, May 5 - Saturday, May 9 33 Weeks!!!!
I got a little behind on the blog last week - really not much had changed until today anyway.
Throughout the week I have been having more contractions but they never get more intense or continue so no one seems worried. The procardia has been changed from every 6 hours to every 8 hours so that may have something to do with the numbers increasing a bit.
We had a BPP on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. All babies scored an 8/8 for each test. They've also been watching to make sure the blood is going the right way into the umbilical cord for baby C (Audrey). I guess if that changes we will have to deliver all the babies right away.
Dr. Dornbier told me on Friday that he is planning the C-section for the week of May 18. Yay!! That will be 34 weeks and a few days. I am getting so uncomfortable that I told Dr. D. that I would split the difference between 35 weeks (my goal) and 34 weeks (his goal) with him. The babies should be fine at that gestational age.
Now I can say we are down to days until the babies arrive. I am excited but with all the time to think here am really starting to freak out a little bit about the enormity of the situation. Luckily we have a great support system in place so I know we will be OK.
Keep the visits and phone calls coming - it really makes the time pass quickly. The only thing I ask is for quiet time between 2pm and 4pm so I can nap. I am still not sleeping that well here so the nap really seems to help.
Throughout the week I have been having more contractions but they never get more intense or continue so no one seems worried. The procardia has been changed from every 6 hours to every 8 hours so that may have something to do with the numbers increasing a bit.
We had a BPP on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. All babies scored an 8/8 for each test. They've also been watching to make sure the blood is going the right way into the umbilical cord for baby C (Audrey). I guess if that changes we will have to deliver all the babies right away.
Dr. Dornbier told me on Friday that he is planning the C-section for the week of May 18. Yay!! That will be 34 weeks and a few days. I am getting so uncomfortable that I told Dr. D. that I would split the difference between 35 weeks (my goal) and 34 weeks (his goal) with him. The babies should be fine at that gestational age.
Now I can say we are down to days until the babies arrive. I am excited but with all the time to think here am really starting to freak out a little bit about the enormity of the situation. Luckily we have a great support system in place so I know we will be OK.
Keep the visits and phone calls coming - it really makes the time pass quickly. The only thing I ask is for quiet time between 2pm and 4pm so I can nap. I am still not sleeping that well here so the nap really seems to help.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Monday, May 4 - Hospital Day # 7
I slept pretty good last night. I am chalking it up to laying on my right side. This is the most rested I've been in a week.
Dr. D stopped by today. He said I can have 40 minutes off the floor each day if I want. He took me off the TOCO machine which monitors my contractions since I am only having 2 an hour or so thanks to the meds. The hour they monitor the babies they will monitor for contractions, too.
Dr. D said we are also in a waiting situation right now that we are going to take day by day. I will have a BPP (biophysical profile) every other day to keep track of baby C. If she falls too far behind or looks to be in distress then all the babies will have to be delivered. He wants to make it to 34 weeks and knows I want to make it to 35. Please keep praying we can make it just a few more weeks. May 26 would be a good day! All the babies looked good duing their BPP today and scored 8 out of 8.
I had several visitors today which was nice - it sure makes the time go faster.
Thanks to Sue Baty for bringing me Mexican food for dinner and hanging out with me for a while!
I got a picture taken today of my LARGE belly but don't have a way to download it yet.
Dr. D stopped by today. He said I can have 40 minutes off the floor each day if I want. He took me off the TOCO machine which monitors my contractions since I am only having 2 an hour or so thanks to the meds. The hour they monitor the babies they will monitor for contractions, too.
Dr. D said we are also in a waiting situation right now that we are going to take day by day. I will have a BPP (biophysical profile) every other day to keep track of baby C. If she falls too far behind or looks to be in distress then all the babies will have to be delivered. He wants to make it to 34 weeks and knows I want to make it to 35. Please keep praying we can make it just a few more weeks. May 26 would be a good day! All the babies looked good duing their BPP today and scored 8 out of 8.
I had several visitors today which was nice - it sure makes the time go faster.
Thanks to Sue Baty for bringing me Mexican food for dinner and hanging out with me for a while!
I got a picture taken today of my LARGE belly but don't have a way to download it yet.
Sunday, May 3 - Hospital Day # 6
Today was a slow day which was good - I was able to get some really good rest. I got all dressed in my street clothes to go to the infant CPR class that is sponsored by the NICU here but Dr. Fagerland put a stop to it. He didn't want me to be too far away in case something were to happen. I put in yesterday's post about the stockings but I actually got those today.
They moved me from room 3101 to 3109 so they can monitor all the babies instead of just A & B. It was nice to have a change of scenery and my mom was here thinking she could go to the CPR class so she was able to help. The room does not seem as big as the other one but I am laying on my right side to see the TV which is much more comfortable to me and how I lay at home in my own room. I was so comfy I napped from 2:30pm - 6:30pm. This is the longest stretch since I've been here.
I missed ordering dinner due to my nap but Dave brought me down leftover's from Pop's b-day dinner. There were 16 people at our house to celebrate. It was nice to have non-hospital food for dinner.
Cousin Tami and Cousin Gregg came by to visit. They were here to pick up Jackson for his new forever home. Thanks guys!!
They moved me from room 3101 to 3109 so they can monitor all the babies instead of just A & B. It was nice to have a change of scenery and my mom was here thinking she could go to the CPR class so she was able to help. The room does not seem as big as the other one but I am laying on my right side to see the TV which is much more comfortable to me and how I lay at home in my own room. I was so comfy I napped from 2:30pm - 6:30pm. This is the longest stretch since I've been here.
I missed ordering dinner due to my nap but Dave brought me down leftover's from Pop's b-day dinner. There were 16 people at our house to celebrate. It was nice to have non-hospital food for dinner.
Cousin Tami and Cousin Gregg came by to visit. They were here to pick up Jackson for his new forever home. Thanks guys!!
Saturday, May 2 - Hospital Day # 5 32 Weeks!!
Dr. Fagerland from the OB practice stopped in on me this am at 6!!! He said it was great that I had made it to 32 weeks and that he was impressed. He left me some c-section paperwork which kind of freaked me out but he assured me it was just because it would be easier for me to fill it out now than in an emergency situation.
He wanted to know if I had spoken to any of the neonatologists - I had not. He sent one down to talk to me. Dr. Turner said he is one of a practice of 6 doctors so someone is always here on site in the event I were to have an emergency c-section someone would be here. He repeated how impressive it was for me to have made it 32 weeks. He discussed the fact that the babies will probably have an IV either in their arm or umbilical cord. He said most of what he will do for the babies is to make decisions based on risk. Whichever decision is the smallest risk to the baby is what will be done. He really couldn't tell me much more of what was going to happen than I had already read in my books.
He did say that there is a warm room off the side of the c-section room where the babies will be evaluated after delivery Unless there is an emergency the babies will be shown to me on their way to the NICU.
Mimi and Brody came by to see me and brought flowers. How sweet! We went down to the McDonalds to get something "different" to eat for dinner. It was so gross it made the hospital food seem gormet. I was POOPED after this trip.
He wanted to know if I had spoken to any of the neonatologists - I had not. He sent one down to talk to me. Dr. Turner said he is one of a practice of 6 doctors so someone is always here on site in the event I were to have an emergency c-section someone would be here. He repeated how impressive it was for me to have made it 32 weeks. He discussed the fact that the babies will probably have an IV either in their arm or umbilical cord. He said most of what he will do for the babies is to make decisions based on risk. Whichever decision is the smallest risk to the baby is what will be done. He really couldn't tell me much more of what was going to happen than I had already read in my books.
He did say that there is a warm room off the side of the c-section room where the babies will be evaluated after delivery Unless there is an emergency the babies will be shown to me on their way to the NICU.
Mimi and Brody came by to see me and brought flowers. How sweet! We went down to the McDonalds to get something "different" to eat for dinner. It was so gross it made the hospital food seem gormet. I was POOPED after this trip.
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