Spring pics - almost 2!

Spring pics - almost 2!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday, May 4 - Hospital Day # 7

I slept pretty good last night. I am chalking it up to laying on my right side. This is the most rested I've been in a week.

Dr. D stopped by today. He said I can have 40 minutes off the floor each day if I want. He took me off the TOCO machine which monitors my contractions since I am only having 2 an hour or so thanks to the meds. The hour they monitor the babies they will monitor for contractions, too.

Dr. D said we are also in a waiting situation right now that we are going to take day by day. I will have a BPP (biophysical profile) every other day to keep track of baby C. If she falls too far behind or looks to be in distress then all the babies will have to be delivered. He wants to make it to 34 weeks and knows I want to make it to 35. Please keep praying we can make it just a few more weeks. May 26 would be a good day! All the babies looked good duing their BPP today and scored 8 out of 8.

I had several visitors today which was nice - it sure makes the time go faster.

Thanks to Sue Baty for bringing me Mexican food for dinner and hanging out with me for a while!

I got a picture taken today of my LARGE belly but don't have a way to download it yet.


  1. You are doing so well! Congratulations on making it to 32 weeks! I am confident that you will be able to make it to 34 weeks. Everyone seems to be doing wonderfully. Hang in there, just a few more short weeks :-)
