We have had virus #4 come through our house. Brody started with the runny nose then (gross - I know) it turned green. We knew we were in big trouble the night he went to bed really early then woke up two hours later and said his throat and ear hurt. Dave stayed home from work the next day (Tuesday) and took Brody to the pediatrician. Yes, it was an ear infection and they put him on antibiotics. The next day Mason was acting the same way so I called and begged mercy on our pediatrician to call in more meds without making us come in. Bless Dr. Salow who knows us well enough to call in the meds without a visit. Dave ended up staying home with Brody on Tuesday and Wednesday that week. Thank you Dave and Ankeny School District.
Guess who got it next??? Yep, Mama did. Luckily with my new job I can work from home and no one fusses about it. I even think I am more productive with my new (and much faster) home laptop. I was home Thursday and Friday so I wouldn't get anyone at work sick. On Sunday I woke up with a double ear infection. Darn it if that isn't painful!! Again I got lucky and got a hold of one of my Dr.'s partners who was on call. He agreed that my symptoms were an ear infection and called me in antibiotics sight unseen. Praise the Lord! That could have been 3 co-pays by that point. I was so miserable that we had Grandpa and Grandma Zuck come down to help with Brody and the babies so I could rest. I slept like a log from around 11am until 6pm. The next morning when I was feeding the babies with Danie I felt a little feverish so decided it would be best for me to spend the day in bed. I got a few hours in the morning before a project I was working on went South so I started emailing and taking phone calls trying to get everything back on track. Danie (our nanny) gets ear infections quite frequently and told me she thought she was getting one - guess me staying home to not get anyone sick backfired. She wanted to leave early so she could stop and see her Dr. - no problem! We like all of our family healthy. Her Dr. said she still had the same sinus infection from a few weeks back. So Tuesday we were without our beloved Danie as she did the rest in bed all day thing. I truly believe that is the only thing that works in getting better!!
All I can say is thankfully it was a short week and Danie was able to come to work on Wednesday. She is a trooper!!
Here are some cute pictures we took of the kids after their last bath. I am trying to show how big they are getting. It is hard to see in the picture but Audrey is really growing into her checks, etc. Katherine just hides her rolls well. Mason - well he is a boy and all girls understand what that means,
Mason William
Katherine Ann
Audrey Grace
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