Brody and
MiMi with all the decorations.
Howell Tree and Pumpkin Farm. We got a beautiful purple mum!

The babies spent about a half an hour in the corn crib while Brody did big boy things.

You can't tell but Brody's feet are completely covered with corn.

Mason liked crawling around in the corn.

Katherine liked the take it out and put it in game.

Brody is almost 4 feet tall now. I think he had a spurt this summer. He usually waits until December after I've already bought his back to school clothes so I have to do it twice!

They LOVED it when
MiMi sprinkled corn into the cake pan and it made a cool noise.

More playing.
Oh for gosh sakes, bring those kids down here! I'll take care of 'em!! We can play patty cake and pitch the corn, up in the air, --I'll introduce 'em to mud cakes and muddy pies.. hmmm, now that would be fun! What a joy to see the pix's. But? Where are pix's of Mom 'n Dad??? They must be feeling left out??? Shame on ya'll.... get 'em in the next batch or I won't send cookies!!! Auntie Colleen