(The good thing about having a nanny is Brody was able to stay home with her)

We've taken Mason to the Dr. three times! The third visit was this morning and we brought the whole crew along just in case!! Mason's ear infection is much better but now both girls have one. They all have this horrible chesty/wheezy cough and sometimes when they sneeze a bubble comes out of their nose. They are all using a nebulizer to get medicine into their lungs and open up the bronchial passages.
Poor Miss Audrey was so sick last night (of course when dad had conferences) I considered rushing her to urgent care. I am not that type of a mom so she was REALLY sick!
(Did I mention that no one sleeps day or night?) Miss Audrey
(Mr. Mason - it must hurt their ears when they have to lay flat)
(Oh ya - we are teething now, too!! Miss Katherine has 6 teeth)

Please pray for health for the babies and quickly. We've not had a decent night of sleep in three weeks. I guess it makes us appreciate the 6 times we used to replace binkies at night. I would LOVE to be able to just do that instead of nose sucking, rocking, and downright hanging out at 2am.
(Mr. Mason - it must hurt their ears when they have to lay flat)

Also, to the angel that sent us the two boxes of huggies diapers from Costco - thank you! I am just amazed at how everything just seems to work out...the diapers run low...then a surprise delivery.
We are blessed! Sick but blessed!!
(Oh ya - we are teething now, too!! Miss Katherine has 6 teeth)

Mason has three teeth and Audrey has two.